Double Celebration at Preston RAM
The first meeting for some two and a half years of Preston RAM No 143 was certainly a memorable event.
Not only would it witness the installation of Gowan O’Hagan as Worshipful Commander, but also the celebration of David Rhodes having been a member for 50 years.
Principal guest on the evening was deputy provincial grand master Geoffrey Lee who was accompanied by PrDGDC Tony Farrar and PrAGDC John Dean.
Gowan O’Hagan and Eric Picton
Isolation and Covid had taken its toll with many, quite understandably, having to tender their apologies.
Eric Picton assumed the mantle of Commander and installed Gowan in fine style. It belayed the fact that he had received quite short notice that he would be on duty. As Geoff observed, “the work of Eric was undertaken with great sincerity.” In particular Eric’s delivery of the address to the newly installed Commander was delightfully done and well received.
All was conducted under the watchful gaze and guiding hand of lodge director of ceremonies Stuart Mowbray.
The exposition of the degree of Royal Ark Mariner was expertly orated by Geoff.
Don Richardson, Geoff Lee and David Rhodes
Following the installation of the new team Geoff accepted the sceptre of the lodge to lead the celebrations for David. In fact he only took the chair briefly before placing David in it and addressing him from the floor. The celebrant and Geoff have been friends for many years.
David is well known in masonic circles as he has been actively involved in several orders during his masonic career. Now retired he spent his working life in the family jeweller’s business.
Because of the adjournment of meetings resulting from Covid David had celebrated his 50th in the Mark only three weeks previously. This of course meant that Geoff had the challenge of finding something different to say. He passed the test with flying colours.
As David later said, “I don’t think anything was repeated from the Mark celebration, you have certainly dug deep Geoff.”
John Dean, Tony Farrar, Tony Shaw and Stuart Mowbray
I won’t go into the details of what Geoff said and the approach he took but it was much appreciated by David and enjoyed by all present.
What I will tell you is that it was 50 years to the very day that David had been elevated into Preston RAM. His proposer had been Don Richardson who had also conducted the ceremony of his elevation. Don was present and taking great pride in what his candidate and good friend had achieved.
David is a past scribe of the lodge and was also a founder member of Morecambe RAM.
The certificate from grand lodge was read out by special representative Dave Sear with lodge scribe Tony Shaw undertaking a similar roll in respect of the provincial testimonial before they were formally presented to David by Geoff.
Some of those in attendance
On the evening scribe Tony gave notice of motion that at the next meeting he would propose that the lodge anchors itself to Scorton Mark Lodge and restyles itself as Scorton RAM No 1103.
Words and Pictures Courtesy of David Sear